Optimizing for ScratchGO
Best practices to ensure your projects work well on different devices!
Provide official controller mapping for your projects
Official controller mapping can be defined by the project author by pasting the following bit of text to your project's "Instruction" or "Notes and Credits" section on Scratch. Check the "Notes and Credits" section on this demo project for an example.
You should edit the contents of the text above to match the key settings for your game. Don't be afraid to give it a few tries, you'll get it eventually!
Controller mapping exceptions
Please note that ScratchGO lets users customize their mappings regardless of if there are official controller mappings for a project. Meaning users can override your official mappings on their devices. This also means that if you are testing on a device that has customized the key mappings before, ScratchGO will apply the device's mapping over the official one. If you want to test the official mapping on your project, please make sure:
You are not logged in to ScratchGO
Clear the local storage on ScratchGO for your device (that is where the user-custom mappings are stored)
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Provide tags for your projects
Tags are help players on ScratchGO find your projects easier. You can add tags to your projects by including hashtags in your project description.
Last updated